The following organizations have established a partnership with SSENC / RESSC. They offer a variety of services and resources to teachers.
![Logo of the Government of Canada](
Department of Canadian Heritage
SSENC is funded in part through a contribution agreement with the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Our network supports the goals of the Canada History Fund to support formal and informal history, civics and public policy networks, to assist educators to use new knowledge to promote learning opportunities about Canada’s history, civics and public policy, and ultimately to enhance the knowledge of Canada’s history, civics and public policy amongst Canadians.
Canada's History Society
Canada’s History Society is a registered charity that brings relevance and awareness to our nation’s diverse past, illuminating the people, places, and events that unite us as Canadians.
They produce two magazines, Canada’s History and Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids and a plethora of classroom resources. They also administer the annual Governor General’s History Awards for Excellence in Teaching, as well as Young Citizens, the national program for Heritage Fairs.
Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future
The Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future project brings together a large number of stakeholders to examine history education in K-12 classrooms.
This pan-Canadian research project aims to survey teachers and students, to identify the connections between history and social studies education and engagement in societal issues. They hope to identify and/or develop evidenced-based practices in history teaching and learning.
Defining Moments Canada
Defining Moments Canada is a heritage organization dedicated to commemorating ‘definitional moments’ in our shared histories through the stories that have made them significant.
These ‘moments’ afford the Canadian classroom teacher an opportunity to inspire students to become “active citizens” by completing digital tasks that commemorate a defining moment in our Canadian heritage.
They also have a rich collection of teacher resources, such as lesson plans and ‘Inquiry Toolkits’ which are curated by leading educators.
The Korean War Legacy Foundation
The Korean War Legacy Foundation is a US-based organization, with the goal to assist teachers, students and the general public in understanding the Korean War. They have resources for American educators and a primary source archive that includes thousands of interviews with US soldiers of the Korean War.
They also maintain The 22: Korean War International Legacy, a global community honouring veterans from the 22 countries that took part in the Korean War.
SSENC is partnered with the KWLF to produce Canada’s Participation in the Korean War: Inquiry, Historical Thinking and Action, resources for Canadian Educators, now available in draft format.
The/La Collaborative
The/La Collaborative is a multi-institutional, cross-sectoral network led from McMaster University that connects Canadian K-12 teachers with Social Science, Humanities, and Arts experts from universities across Canada to support inquiry and project-based learning.
Their collaborative platform is designed to help teachers in K-12 access university experts to support inquiry and project-based learning – almost like a human textbook.
Association of Canadian Studies (ACS-AEC)
The Association for Canadian Studies increases Canadians’ knowledge of their country and provides platforms for cross-sectoral exchanges about the country’s past, present, and future.
They seek to disseminate knowledge that advances public discourse and evidence-based decision-making. They have numerous reports and publications to help Canadians learn about their country.
Korean Cultural Centre (Embassy of the Republic of Korea)
The Korean Cultural Centre (KCC) is a Korean government institution that connects with Canadians by hosting and supporting a variety of cultural activities including exhibitions, performances, film screenings, festivals, cultural and language classes. To this end, the KCC works with organizations across Canada, including SSENC to provide Canadians with memorable experiences of Korean culture.
The KCC is supporting the translation of SSENC’s resources Canada’s Participation in the Korean War: Inquiry, Historical Thinking and Action, now available in draft format.
Teachers may wish to use their collection of Korean Cultural Resources.