Salon Spring 2025
Past Articles
Who cares about truth in a world of entertaining deep fakes?
How do we encourage our students to care about the veracity of the...
World Congress on the Teaching of the Korean War
Burnaby, BC —The Social Studies Educators Network of Canada (SSENC) and...
BC Teacher Sees the Benefits of Historical Thinking
Across Canada many provinces have embraced the ideas of the Historical...
Heritage cubes
When we were asked to present a project that would allow students to...
The/La Collaborative
The/La Collaborative Classroom guests can bring a new perspective and...
Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) and Social Studies Educators’ Network of Canada
One of the many goals of the Social Studies Educators’ Network of Canada...
The Atlantic Bubble Reconsidered: Using the ‘Big Six’ to Analyze Issues
In 2018 Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) rolled out the first of three...
Jane’s Walk
Jane Jacobs was an activist and journalist recognized as one of the most...
Four New Brunswick social science teachers find innovative ways to teach during pandemic
This article originally appeared in the November 2021 edition of Salon....
Defining Moments Canada Webinar – All for 9 and 9 for All
The 1872 Nine Hour Movement and Induction of the Trade Unions Act All for...
SSENC/RESSC Rick Hansen Foundation Consultation
In January, several SSENC/RESSC executive members from across the country...
SSENC/RESSC Diefenbaker Canada Centre Consultation
The Diefenbaker Canada Centre is developing a new online education...

These are our archived issues of Salon, our newsletter.